even when you think no one is listening
In this fast-paced world of mega diversions, we can easily miss what's right here in this moment, perfect as it is, until thoughts tells us differently. And they can be very convincing. But do they bring lasting fulfillment and peace?
And what is it that you're really looking for? Do you know?
As tired and worn as I know it may sound, the answer for all of us is Love.
Belonging, success, winning, control... all boils down to our desire to love and be loved.
Has anything or anyone been able to fully and continually fill that void within you? Honestly?
Well, here's a little secret.
They can't and they never will, nor are they meant to.
So you can stop chasing that dream.
That's scary, though, isn't it? If there really isn't anything or anyone outside of ourselves to bring us the love we so crave and desire, what can we do?Where do we turn?
Well, what is left?
Within. We look within. We delve deep into the heart of our inner essence to discover the light within, to heal, and to love ourselves unconditionally - in full acceptance - because, regardless of what may appear, the good news is, that isn't us either. So we don't have to be frightened by it ever again.
We could call these thoughts our programming - what we've picked up from different sources along the way. Have you noticed how they continually change from moment to moment, even contradicting themselves? But we continue to listen and follow along through all the confusion and pain.
The search continues in misguided places and in convoluted ways,
when what you're really looking for has always been right here- inside of you!
Only you know exactly what you want to hear and feel, and no one will provide it as well as you can. That's why no one can love you as much as you can!
Here you are always where you're meant to be, and everything happens perfectly. You are loved unconditionally. And that truth will never change.
And for now, you are here with me. Welcome to your innocence!